The Fanuc S420 robot's primary function is automotive spot welding, body assembly, general material handling and general industrial spot welding.

Paragon Technologies considers as one of our primary functions keeping your Fanuc S420 robot churning out reliable performance for years past its “normal” lifetime, with our total remanufacturing service always at your disposal.
You want to maintain maximum uptime for your Fanuc S420 robots, so you know you need more than just a simple repair. Simple component replacement like our competitors offer isn’t going to cut it. That’s why, instead, Paragon Technologies totally remanufactures your Fanuc S420, returning a robot to you that is totally OEM quality “like-new.”
With our rapid-fire turn-around, you’ll be up and rolling quickly, saving tremendous money in the process.
Just give an experienced Paragon Uptime Facilitator a call. There’s one at the Paragon location nearest you. They’ll walk you through the tremendous savings you’ll realize when you remanufacture your Fanuc S420 robot, rather than replacing it. After all – why waste an otherwise perfectly good piece of equipment?
Repair Procedures:
- Purge and grease all gear boxes, RV Reducer cavities, and bushings.
- Motor brake test.
- Visually inspect for damaged connectors, replace when needed.
- Test all cables for wear and damage.
- Clean all cabinet heat exchange equipment including fans and filters.
- Check and replace seals as needed.
- Reset cabinets back to factory settings.
- Re-grease balancers and other bushing / bearings on the mechanical manipulator.
- Test and inspect teach pendants, replace overlays if needed.
- Test and inspect teach pendant cables.
- Repeatability test.
- 12 hour continuous operation test.
- Gear backlash adjustment if needed, test and inspect any belts or pulleys.
- Remove custom I/O and file comments.
- Change CPU battery and encoder batteries.
- Paint robot.
Check Out Some Of The Other Fanuc Robot Models We Remanufacture:
- Fanuc LR Mate 100i Robot
- Fanuc RJ2/ArcMate Robot
- Fanuc RJ/S5 Robot
- Fanuc M16/RJ3iB Robot
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