The Paragon Process

The Paragon Technologies process is second to none.

Our unique position as a leader in industrial service and repair enables us to attract and keep only the very best, fully qualified certified technicians. The technician who performs your repair also checks your product in and performs the initial testing and reporting, making absolutely sure you only pay for repairs that are actually necessary.

Our detailed tracking and reporting system also keeps you alerted to your product’s progress every minute it spends in our repair facility.

Once your product has been completed, our extensive array of custom-built testing stations enables us to fully test your completed repair, making certain your product fully meets the original manufacturer’s specifications before your product is quickly returned the fastest way possible.

In other words, Paragon makes certain there are no surprises when you work with us, other than how quickly your product is back in your hands. We also continually upgrade and review virtually every one of the processes involved in every repair we perform for you. This keeps us ahead of the competition in repair quality and value every time while our full ISO9001:2015 status at all of our North American locations further ensures a quality repair – fast.

It’s a process designed with you in mind, one that doesn’t end until your repaired product is back in your hands, because your repair was made with Paragon Technologies quality throughout.

Feel free to browse our Website and see the process for yourself. It’s evident in everything we do because everything Paragon does is focused on making sure you’re always working.

Ready To Get Started?

Paragon Technologies offers a meticulous repair process that ensures your products are thoroughly evaluated, accurately quoted, and restored to meet or exceed OEM standards by certified technicians. From the moment your repair arrives, it is tracked and tested before being securely shipped back to you. Ready to experience this top-tier service?