Paragon Technologies, Inc., Paragon Canada, Paragon Atlantic, Paragon Great Lakes, and Paragon Pacific, hereinafter "Paragon," warrants all products manufactured, remanufactured, or repaired by it to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal operating conditions and proper application in accordance with the specifications for operation as described by the manufacturer for a period of twelve (12) months in service or no more than twenty four (24) months on-shelf.
This Warranty is expressly in lieu of any other warranties, expressed or implied, including any warranty of ability merchant or fitness for a particular purpose. Buyer's sole and exclusive remedy under this Warranty shall be limited to the repair, replacement or exchange of warranted products at our option, F.O.B. our factory, or designated service center.
If the manufacturer or agent grants any Warranty greater in scope or time period or labor allowance, than that detailed herein, Paragon shall not be liable beyond the herein stated limitations. Equipment and accessories not of our manufacture are warranted to the extent of the warranty of the original manufacturer.
Any damage as a result of improper packaging must be reported within ten (10) days of receipt.
No special, incidental, consequential or other damages shall be recoverable. Paragon shall not be liable for consequential damages or contingent liabilities including, but no limited to, loss of life, personal injury, loss of crops, loss due to fire or water damage, loss of business or business income, down time costs and trade or other commercial loss arising of out of the failure of the product. Paragon will in no event be liable for any sum in excess of the price received by it for the product for which liability is claimed or asserted.
No products shall be returned without prior authorization from Paragon. Buyers and their agents shall prepay all transportation charges for the return of such products to Paragon's factory or designated service center.
There will be no acceptance of any charges for labor and/or parts incidental to the removal and remounting of product repaired or replaced under this Warranty.
The above Warranty does not cover conditions over which Paragon has no control, including, without limitation, contamination, pressures in excess of recommended maximum, products damaged or subject to accident, abuse or misuse after shipment from our factory, products altered or repaired by anyone other than Paragon personnel, authorized Paragon factory personnel or persons so designated in writing by Paragon prior to commencement of said work.
The following are types of failures which are not attributable to defects in materials and/or workmanship and which are not considered by Paragon as part of the Warranty extended hereunder. This listing is by way of example and not intended to be exhaustive.
- Damage due to deterioration during periods of storage by the purchaser prior to installation and operation.
- Damage of any kind from erosive or corrosive action of any gasses or liquids handled by the machinery.
- Lack of or incorrect type of hydraulic fluid.
- Contamination of the hydraulic fluid.
- Damages attributable to accident, abuse or neglect.
- Stripped splines or keyways on drive shafts.
- Incorrect mounting of external gears, pulleys, etc.
- Operating beyond the recommended maximum speeds, pressures, and temperatures.
- Use of the products in a manner or for a purpose for which they were not designed or intended by the manufacturer.